Preclinical Services
Screening of compounds in various models is a prerequisite to find out their molecular mechanism. DR Biosciences offers a wide range of services using in-vitro models.
Cytotoxicity Studies Hepatoprotective Activity Cardioprotective Activity Nephroprotective Activity
Neuroprotective Activity Anticancer Activity Anti-Inflammatory Activity Anti-diabetic Activity
Anti-hyperlipidemic Activity Apoptosis Assay
Anti-bacterial Assay
A cell or an organism regulates the activity and level of its proteins in response to internal and external changes. Proteomics is the systematic and high-throughput approach to this differential protein expression. A typical proteomic analysis data yields information on the expressed and repressed proteins across multiple conditions. Post-translational modifications, protein-protein interactions, protein function and localization studies are carried out as part of proteomic studies. DR Biosciences offers a comprehensive workflow of the given services to a researcher to perform proteome analysis.
2-Dimensional gel electrophoresis
Western Blotting
Post Translational Modifications
Cell Biology
DR Biosciences carries out a range of studies to determine the toxicity of a compound on cells. We believe a successful evaluation of a compound forms a stepping stone for further studies. The service offering provided to achieve the goal using different cell line:
​MTT Assay Gene Over-expression Gene silencing (siRNA, shRNA) Wound Healing Assy Primary cell preparation Stable cell line preparation Agarose Gel Electrophoresis Signaling Pathway Studies
The concept of Genomics is not only restricted by sequencing of the genome but also includes epistasis, heterosis, pleitrophy, interaction between various loci and alleles with in a genome. As defined by WHO, Genomics is the study of genes and their functions and related techniques, DR Biosciences actively pursues various technologies associated with Genomics like
​RNA isolation & Quantification DNA isolation & Quantification Plasmid isolation
Agarose Gel Electrophoresis Primer design cDNA synthesis
Gene Mutations Southern blotting Cloning
DNA damage by Comet assay Genotyping Gene expression analysis by RT-PCR
Enzyme assays
Enzyme assays play an integral part of analysis to visualize enzyme activities as enzymes play a critical role in most of cellular processes. To be able to provide the researcher with the ability to delve into the various enzymatic processes, DR Biosciences offers a range of assays mentioned below
Antioxidant Status (Catalase, GPx, SOD, GR, GSH) NADPH oxidase activity
Xanthine Oxidase activity Aconitase Assay
PKC activity Nitric oxide synthase Activity
Mitochondrial Complex Activities Carbohydrate and Lipid Metabolism related Enzymes
Biochemical Studies
Hematology Plasma Biochemical profile
TBARS & Protein carbonyls Pro-inflammatory Cytokines
H & E Staining Imaging & Quantification
Oil Red O Staining Tissue Sectioning & Imaging
Biomarker Analysis
We use latest technologies for the detection of biomarkers invarious body tissues and fluids.
ELISA Culture Method PCR & RT-PCR based Method
Antibody Mediated Technology
Enzyme activity based Assay
Analytical Services
Pharmacokinetic Studies Method development and validation of various formulations
Analysis of various phytoconstituents Quantification of various drug concentrations in Plasma, tissues and other body fluids
Other Services
Customized Phyto-extracts preparation Analysis of Food material composition
Isolation of various cellular organelles and their membranes Poject works for Master, M.Phil, PhD and Manuscript Writing